Moisturizing Properties: Our product can help restore your skin's natural elasticity, replenish skin tone, and fight the effects of natural aging. You can use it to hydrate your face, brighten complexion, reduce red spots, and repair sun damage like dark spots or hyperpigmentation. It can also serve as a base layer with natural sunscreen for added hydration and UV protection. For best results, use a few drops of this serum daily.
Ingredient: Our formulation features 100% Pure Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil that is derived from natural sources, unprocessed, and extracted through cold pressing. We refrain from including any fragrances, parabens, or alcohol. Additionally, our product is free from animal testing, adheres to non-GMO standards, and is cruelty-free. It is appropriate for both vegetarians and vegans, and it meets kosher specifications.
Money-Back Guarantee: We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you don't love our product, we will give you your money back.
Hair Care: Our product is naturally thick and can add a beautiful, silky finish to your hair. It is packed with powerful essential fatty acids, Vitamin A, C, and more. These rich nutrients add a natural protectant to your hair, helping to strengthen, grow, and thicken it. You can massage it into your scalp twenty minutes before showering or use it as a leave-in conditioning treatment for fine, damaged, brittle, and broken hair.
Premium Grade: Our oil is cold-pressed and organic, providing the highest level of pure quality oil. It is known to soothe age spots, sun damage, and help dry skin. We package our product in a dark amber glass bottle with a glass stopper to protect it from oxidation. For best results, store our product in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Its shelf life is two years from the purchase date.